100 Quilts 100 Days
Donation Drive to benefit Nationalities Service Center
From July to mid October, 2024, we will be accepting new quilts, afghans, pillowcases, hats and mittens to be given to new immigrants and refugees arriving in Philadelphia this autumn.
Our goal for quilts is 50 twin size (approx 70" x 90"), 30 full size (approx 85" x 108") and 20 baby size (approx. 36" x 52"). Many of the refugees arriving are families with children, the greatest need is for children's quilts, but all sizes will be accepted.
For our knitters and crocheters, NSC is also glad to accept afghans and knitted/crocheted blankets of any size.
This is our 6th year collecting for Nationalities Service Center. In 2021 these quilt donations were put into the new homes of refugees from Afghanistan, many of whom came to Philadelphia with no belongings. In 2022 we were able to provide these loving donations to Ukrainian refugees fleeing war and starting over. These quilts are for families that have left everything behind and I am so honored and pleased that we have the opportunity to give them new family heirlooms.
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As a thank you from us, we will give you a 10% off Stitch Central coupon for any accepted donation of a handmade quilt or blanket.
All donations must be NEW items - they can be something you made a while ago, but cannot be used.
Since these items will be given to newly arrived people who might be nervous about how they will be welcomed here in the US, we would like each quilt or afghan to have some sort of WELCOME message - whether it's a quilt label saying "Made with Love", an embroidered greeting saying "Welcome Home", or even a card, please include a personal message from you to your new neighbor. What you say and how you say it is up to you!
What if you can't commit to a whole quilt or afghan? We will also be accepting smaller items: cute pillowcases, knitted hats, and mittens. These should also be new and something you are proud to give - make 'em awesome!
People ask if there is a specific knitting or crochet pattern to use...no there is not.
You can find zillions of hat and afghan patterns on Ravelry, but here are a few suggestions:
Knitted Afghans (all free patterns):
Simple Modern Throw by Espace Tricot
Phoenix Baby Blanket by MadScience Designs
Four Points Baby Blanket by Purl Soho (see our notes on that project here)
Chevron Baby Blanket by Espace Tricot
Crocheted Afghans:
Giant Giant Granny Square by Purl Soho
6 Day Kid Blanket by Betty McKnit
Looking for more ways to help this very worthy organization? Contact us or click through to the NSC website to learn more.